Komkar EU
Confederation of Kurdistan Associations in Europa

Happy EZID Day to all Yazidis

With the arrival of Yazidi Eid, which is a very sacred religious holiday for the Yazidi community, we celebrate this holiday with all our heart and soul to all the Yazidis of Kurdistan and the Yazidis of the world.

The Yazid festival is celebrated every year in december. This year it falls on december 15.

According to the Yazidi religion, God has many names. For example “Ezi”, “Yezid”, Ezda, God, Izdan, King etcetera names. Some names of God used by Yazidis. In other words, the Yazidi community always celebrates this Yazidi Eid to celebrate God. This holiday is also celebrated after fasting for 9 days (3 days for the Shehim, 3 days for the Gods, 3 days for the Yazidis).

In addition, Yazidis are people who believe in God, that is, they know Allah and they always pray and worship in their mother tongue Kurdish, which is their sweet and holy language and they remember God in their own language.

We hope that this holy day will bring an environment of peace and tranquility to the entire Yazidi community and all of Kurdistan.

We also hope that all Yazidi immigrants living in refugee camps can return to their homes as soon as possible and continue their lives in peace.

We congratulate you all on the Êzid Feast once again.





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