Komkar EU
Confederation of Kurdistan Associations in Europa

Kurdistan’s women’s union KOMJIN-Germany celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8 with great enthusiasm in Cologne

Kurdistan’s women’s union KOMJIN-Germany held a meeting today, March 8, International Women’s Day

Kurdistan’s women’s union KOMJIN-Germany held a meeting today, March 8, International Women’s Day, in the city of Cologne in Germany. The meeting opened with a speech by the chairman of KOMJIN, Leyla Suleyman. Leyla Suleyman welcomed the guests and then paid tribute to all the martyrs of Kurdistan. With respect, the evening began with komjin’s entertainment.

At the beginning, on behalf of KOMJIN, announce Zehra Topgider gave KOMJIN to the participants.

The PSK congregation abroad sent a congratulatory message for the event. The PSK message was read by Lezgin Berzan, member of the PSK Committee of NRW. The General Leader of Kurdistan Socialist Party PSK Mesud Tek and Kovan Amedi Chairman of the Confederation of Kurdistan Associations in Europe KOMKAR.eu also sent a congratulatory message. Both messages were read by Zehra Topgider.

The Muzika Awaz group, which has been preparing for participation in the KOMJIN event, has been training in the association Komkar Köln for about 6 months. Awaz band made the party even brighter with folkloric and revolutionary songs.

Participating women brought delicious Kurdish food from different regions of Kurdistan to the event and ate it together.

Many women from all parts of Kurdistan attended the event on March 8. Many of the women from Western Kurdistan participated in the KOMJIN event this year. The participating women and girls gave the evening a very beautiful look with their Kurdish clothes.

Komjin’s event continued late into the night, with music from the Awaz group, Kurdish songs and dances.

KOMJİN-Kurdistan Women’s Union

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